A black man shadowed me with a dare you porn tongue to regale me with a comment towards my Pirates hat about Dave Parker as I approached the facility where a namesake of David Ortiz’ daughter has troubled my hostagehead, such that presto, wala, the downing of Kobe Bryant, after zombie porn tip-offs from the online relay of Lennon insured Wahola-Ono in the Wuhan measures antifa poseurs martial circled me about.  Yet it will only compute as race, and never Warhola-Ono, that does not compute, that does not compute, mouth-poisoning Lennon insured, Third World consciousness, going for broke, seething with hate, having released the AIDS attack and then convinced Seattle Queers it was all for them. Meanwhile, station management removed a black girl from the Davos picture as a cross reference towards who’s next when you add it all up for its utility as a Lennon-insured threat from the East woodpecker meaningless mind of the cunning.  Oh, I would feel so badly if something happened to THAT one (see the chatter of Linda Weiss/KE) hahahaha. Oh, hahahaha.

      South African Secret Service is slick at Warhola-Ono. Nja gun bug but never co buggy.

      Defsukke!  Hostile! We shall do hostile!  Kowtow before knowledge, kowtow!

      IT WAS THE WHYTE!  An Irish gibbering crank Saoise message, hahahaha. Oh, hahaha.  We LOVED Kobe Bryant, hahahaha. Oh, hahahaha.

      Kobe Bryant’s death is Lennon-insured.

      “Chances narrow that I’ll make it,” pushing cushion in my straitjacket.

Thusly for in some circles of Knowledge a rich black man is honorary The White! but a poor white man an honorary the black man? That depends on his sister.

