At the end of the film Diva the kingpin of a crime organization doubling as a French Police Chief prepares to leave a tape forgery of an identical tape naming him by a dead witness on which he has instead recorded the names of his immediate crime subordinates who he has killed.  A similar Hollywood image is the last-second Portugese soldier cutting the rope by which DeNiro hopes to save the villagers in The Mission.   Tony “nerve agent” Cervi always liked Dr. Phibes who taunts his pursuers by getting away into destiny.

      The death of Saoirse Kennedy is the first time I’ve felt there was no one worth reaching anyway.   What UW Sociology has done was expressed years ago around the time of the death by ripper attack of Shannon Harps by the anonymous blogger Ballard Pimp of the Stranger forums, the same gang that killed both girls.  B.P. shouted out that because of Lennon’s death the AIDS cause was defeated before it began. After the murder of Saoirse another chatter, also working with the War Secretary of the Beatles sniped that it is because of me that no one has fun anymore.   UW Sociology and Warhol dared me with Saoirse, sniveling that the millions affected by the diecide of the scroll would always be unrepayable and unforgiveable. They could kill the Kennedys one a day until they were gone for all my tears would matter. It’s the heat of Iron Kim and the entire facade of terror and evil is Seattle’s defense of Reagan.

        The credo:  Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, is, (in its adoptive principle) about privacy, but it has a double entendre.  It is also suggestive of commentary concerning our Right to Know Laws in the atrocity.   Instead of timely warning we have a handful of meaningless slogans going back to 1984 from the Warhol Secretary of the Beatles.   The trap doors of the human mind can be limned in a swath spanning from psychotic to intuition. Mumbo Jumbo to one may be revelation to another.   The study of market forces can entail testing and predicting what people will respond to. Pronouncement that sound good can become bumper stickers.  People, if they like the words, sometimes don’t bother to think them through or arrive at logical exceptions. The presence of language in our environment can dislodge our thought processes.  This can be especially true if being asked to think of something unusual, outside the box, or unpleasant. Sometimes our culture simply adopts an idea, mindless of the subtext that comes with it.  In fact, telephone solicitors often don’t even like their job but do it anyway. If someone could invent a telephone solicitation that people loved it would be a eureka achievement. Such is the tragedy of the credo:  Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.  This slogan is a lot like a whoopi cushion.  A whoopi cushion is a child’s party prank. When you sit on it it gives off a sound like breaking wind.  It negates our Right to Know Laws in an unstated way just when we needed them most.  

       The Beatles’ answered this affair, they claim as a response, but it was all planned, by appealing to the deep type of beatlemaniac in the throes of schizophrenic dementia who hold forth from their sacred enclave that the deeper their intuitive sharpness about the twists in Lennon’s cerebral side, the holier their bond, like Sufis seeking contact with Allah, and it is as though, Lo, he has summoned his disciples to an honorific achieve, of communion with the dreadful spirit of the AIDS attack.  Diamonda Galas tells her cult to share the last breath of the dying and if you wash she will be holocaustally offended. She is photographed outside the Twin Towers with her stiletto, and like the murders of Shannon and Saoirse, who she also betrayed, Seattle fume that nothing matters less, for she is an avenging angel of mercy decapitating the desire to nuke America for Ono’s rage by this magnificent blasphemy called 911. We are hitting ourselves, they muse, in shamanistic penitence.

       As problematic as it might seem for someone to cheer an attack on their own country it gets even more problematic when you examine the foundations of this failsafe notion.   In this sense their decision to kill Saoirse Kennedy as a green star on their red Christmas tree is largely superficial because getting anyone to cheer the murder of a First Family member or a Pearl Harbor sort of crime, which 911 was, is the same pretzel.  Looking at NWAsianWeekly’s participation you see how it proves the lie of UW Sociology’s human benevolence refrains. Deaf Jeannie (Chin i), who was raped in punishment for teaching me Sign Language, has Downs Syndrome, while that is a little more conspicuous than brutally impacted nerve damage, which I have, (Colin Powell by the way doesn’t seem to understand that American ethics are what preclude Drafting the disabled to legal war much less illegal war games designed by our enemies) it goes without saying that taking the side of those who raped a disabled Korean girl because of their Japanese big money sort of disgraces Donnie Chin’s memory, but I’ll say it anyway, since that is who they announced the murder of Saoirse as in revenge concerning.

         How is it possible, though?  Well, we’re supposedly hitting ourselves for the AIDS attack that Diamonda Galas claims to stand for, nevermind that her ally behind the Anthrax was deranged and right wing.  Don’t ask, don’t tell. The Beatles are being diplomats we are assured, showing kindness, after all, some of the afflicted want Zuklear reprisals. Oh, killing Kennedys, such mercy, 911, such mercy, Jesus, not problematic after all, you shrug and possibly cringe.

      But it is problematic in a blind side way.  Dia’s namesake from New York Voodoo Museum and Swid-Powell, the gang behind SPIN Magazine and the notion of spin control I gather, called me on Dec. 8, 1980, three years before AIDS happened, Dia of Der Mond, (a namesake of Diamonda, who was herself in fact in Satanism and Immunology already in the 1970’s) gave me a book at the Pennsylvania Governors School in 1978 made into a film by Cliff Richardson who was hovering above the WTC on 911 called, Time Must Have a Stop.  Galas is a friend of Yoko Ono and Warhol.   So America is being defeated by the Axis, and they are making good money on it, while offering, at least temporarily, to say we aren’t being attacked we are being defended, in return for cooperation.   You see, there’s no other explanation, but meanwhile what is being done by the Press Secret Service is playing out the power of the usurper group. Ballard Pimp in other words wasn’t just being senselessly defeatist, he was voicing the plan of Lennon.  Everything falls into place when you realize that Lennon faked his death. That sort of allusion to Manson’s famous comment, “you can’t kill me I’m already dead,” is in the song Yer Blues, “if I ain’t dead already, girl you know the reason why.”

       The murder of Saoirse Kennedy completed the work of media deception in the revenge of the Axis movement led by Pentagon Disney.  You squirm, you heil, you laugh, you salute the exterminators. It’s that simple. You make it more complicated than it is by excusing it with the stuff the Sariners in Seattle espouse.  It epitomizes Lennon’s Goth that began in Dealey Plaza and plays out as a Brian Eno Book of Numbers.   Warhol killed Saoirse to give bray to Penis Gabriel’s telltale metanarrative about British Supremacy.