Interview:   What do you think is happening in terms of conspiracy theory in our society?

Mac Crary:   It appears to be a deontological struggle being promoted by ecclesiastical conservative administration and prominent corporations, meaning, they see what they are drafting as a proprietary example to be a good in and of itself.    They targeted me and used me for a muse, but it is more than scapegoat psychology, they want a surrender to a system they conceive as ideological imperative. In using me for a target object in the vivisection cruelty that came with the AIDS attack, the Administration sought or seeks to fulfill a script that mandates that my curiosity value be put to the donation cause of attending to their other victims, a very surreal ultimatum, which explains the clause in their text that I should be kept in poverty and locked out of participation for refusing to agree to terms that are a sophisticated foreclosure on my rights as a person to be free and live in dignity within the terms of the public trust.  Even talking about what they’ve done provokes frenzies of crackdown. There have been so many abridgements, so many homicides, so many scares, but the police have just ignored what Warhol, for example, are doing, as though they are in good hands with the criminally insane.

Interview:   Why doesn’t media print your views?

Mac Crary:   Many people who even take elementary philosophy are no doubt disturbed to discover some difficult issues they don't really understand are totally mastered by the seemingly braindead media.  This oversight on the part of readers who see media for superficial allow media intellectuals to develop a relationship with their readership that cultivates ideas on the deepest levels that might be very unsafe and untrue.  A good example of this is the way that the State of Washington has generated a Green Party syndicate that appeals to the Left wing even though its foundation originates with the extreme right wing behind the AIDS attack. It is policed by ferocious psychiatric deployment who have been known to kill innocent people, a very harsh, and disturbing political apparatus at large.

Interview:   How do you feel about being locked out of your school account?

Mac Crary:  Hopefully it is a computer glitch, but it is very irregular and unsettling.   In light of the police activity in recent days, it could be a complicated response to my allegations of being used as a muse by a domestic terror syndicate at Warhol, which is perfectly obvious, even though the response is always the same, shut me down for squawking.   Amanda Harcourt and Warhol are really maniacal bullies, but they also have police on their side because what they are selling is Corporate and officially not allowed to be challenged. My work clearly illustrates that they set their racket up as a scam while calling it Emergency Services in a public health crisis about which they really were not all that concerned, being sort of ultra-right wingers in Britain, playing fast and loose with the New York decadent circles who Seattle emulate.

Interview:   Let’s talk about the pornography connection.

Mac Crary:  Pornography, on the humane level, is just my personal response to what they have done, in terms of bogeymonstering sex, isolating me in a strange, informal death row and so on, but there is a concrete set of illustrations from within the development of the semiotic mosaic of the AIDS attack culture that clearly shows the media were at work building a pyre within Axis cinema to lure victims to their deaths.  Ian Wattenmaker, a frightening name indexically, who is named in the script in connection with the nerve agent they force-fed me as a child and the description they limn of the personality change they planned, introduced me as a visitor in 3rd grade to the Venus Fly Trap. That is the method behind the Axis cinema concept.

Interview:   What are you learning at school?

Mac Crary:  This quarter I have focused on Erasmus and the Suez Crisis.  First, because Erasmus had to survive somehow in an Occupation by the Church, speaking truth to power through whimsy, opening up the psyche to evaluation of text and liberal humanist premises, while in the Suez you find Eisenhower being bullied by the British who wanted to conscript him by coercive and deceptive means, into backing their military operations with Israel and France.  Churchill had already, through Truman Doctrine and demonization of Russia, used Dulles to turn America into the cash cow of the Cold War.

Interview:  What is the psychiatric enforcement dimension?

Mac Crary:  Seattle Psychiatry is opportunistic.  They want the rational thread that AIDS was a planned attack, which is perfectly obvious from the evidence, punished and shut down.  They have resorted to attack prostitution, home break-ins back in Pittsburgh, things I am afraid to discuss under the prevailing situation, frankly.   It’s horrifying. They have the States voiding information and research to bang on that the killers are in charge and can be trusted or else. No one but me seems to have even noticed.

Interview: What about Seattle culture per se?

Mac Crary: Really the same thing, the Left tolerate what is being done to me because it is their special mission statement as ghouls of the plan. Seattle pretend to be on the good side of issues like youth detention and incarceration, but really, they love to take prisoners, it is their fetish. Their glee in computer penetration of my family is a notorious example of their willingness to exploit trauma and deafness disability as a rival situation for, who knows, girls probably or something, sexual access UW calls it, while braying of the highest principles. It’s just collegiate silliness gone mad.

Interview: Because of the Beatles?

Mac Crary: Of course it’s because of the Beatles.
