The Federal assassins working with Warhol are looking at their watches anticipating a countdown to final victory in repeating their lie that my history hides crime.   By this means, their invisible cartel focus the lens of their hidden authorities on the objective and designs of their foreign monarch, after littering our recent history with sacrificial homicides of bystanders to entertain the police.   Behind this outrage is Presidential candidate Jay Inslee. If Inslee is elected President of the United States of America, there will be a Civil War and America will be left in ashes. This isn’t my doing. It is the verdict of reality in a murderous doublecross.

       I want to describe the condition that Inslee’s plotters arranged in Pittsburgh in the early 1970’s that give a fall guy cover story to my distinguished heritage and the mania behind the promotion of the slander campaign embarked upon by Carnegie Mellon and King Crimson’s depraved bass player Tony Levin of Yoko Ono’s headquarters.   I was taken into hostage by the Ford Brothers and Carmen Colucci. While it is true I knew they were stealing things from people, I refused to help and engaged in passive resistance. When asked by their victims I would go with them to the police and explain what happened and help them retrieve their belongings. When Officer Ford found out that his sons had been reported, the Police escalated with slaughtering blindside attacks by Kasperoski, who enjoys the status of being one of Warhol’s favorites now.  I was a child at the mercy of terrible fright trying to understand what to do. None of the victims I helped lifted a finger to help me when I was kidnapped and tortured. None of them. Not one.

      The slander that I was to blame for the script of Gail Burstyn generated by her partner from Neva Pornographic, Yoko Ono, is vanquished by the very fact that you deny such a partnership exists, because it is grossly incomprehensible.  It was through the snarls of illicit non-meaning involved that the murderers slipped through with their license to kill and wreak mayhem that underwrites the Inslee bid for power. By allowing the author of child bondage pornography to bray that she is avenging a mystery program, allowing her mission chapter to castrate a victim of serial mutilation, Inslee has set the stage for unending villainy that can only be stopped by making him answerable.   He cannot rule a country he has so betrayed, terror is finite when dignity is at stake. By allowing these rabid to repeat their lies, Inslee has allowed McCartney to open the lens of his battleship upon the United States yet again for another series of unprovoked attacks by King William of Windsor, the crimson lunatic of Gail Burstyn hegemony. I am not alone in being tired of seeing history in the making by dint of America’s unmaking.

        By siding with the AIDS Combine, pro-Inslee rippers in the Queer establishment of UW and Seattle gamble they can use global warming as a blackmail.   It is that ugly here. A Jay Inslee Presidency will leave America in ashes. It will lead to Civil War.

       The horrible origins of this grim charade of course lie in New York and Pennsylvania where Lewis Lapham long ago dishonored us all by sniping with a tune he set to the AIDS attack about Leslie Sanetta Katz.   Dweebing about the tinkling of little bells, Lapham defined the parallel narrative by questioning what had become of the invisible man’s senses, as a loaded stereotype about inhaling to hide traumatic hostage and being gassed in a Holocaust Simulation Vivisection Experiment at Pitt.  They tried to cover the dirty, but enough of the evidence got by. They allow me to refer to it daintily as “Special Education” in the UW domain. This in turn extinguishes the way I was deafened as a cause of alarm about what can be done with impunity to our children if they are summarily dispensed with as white by the NAACP.    You can’t just hide the racial cunning at work behind the British line.

       The loophole in the madness, the snarl that a battered child could understand the dungeon grip of criminal insanity in the bowels of Ringo Starr’s loathsome mind created an actionable reign of terror bellowing openly from this pit of derisive incomprehension, the domain of acid rock in our midst and the Gummos they persuaded to commit to the program.   It is from this miasma that Jay Inslee hails, and one he has long used to his advantage as a Microsoft UW Aryan of the sort who prance and patrol these parts.

      He follows Obama’s footsteps, the black-o-dacoit from Bush Headquarters who exploited the pressure point in homosapien behaviors lewdly masterminded by Midori Goto and NEVA Pornographic, getting the NAACP and the hoodies all worked up in a tantrum over staged and phony pussyball, but castration mutilation of a victim of foreign serial depravity and terrorism is worse than rape by a milestone, and helping me snap out of the syndrome they impacted with personality change warfare, making me seem the antithesis of an American to admire may be laudable of Mr. Inslee on its own terms, as I wake up to what all they did, so will others who don’t laugh away with Yoko Ono the ruthless extermination of a symbol of America in peace.  Using a symbol of American victory in WW2 for the greatest humiliation in history is treason, Mr. Inslee.

      Just step down for the good of the world and the soul of our society.
