The rabid who killed JFK and started AIDS hypothesized a food fight, predicting a valuable painting of their Kitchen Greta kudren espoused for the BLACK MAN to be served by the white THE WHITE in subordination to sophomoric psy-mal games deployed by Eco-Green ravagers, to whit: the statement by Keller likely translates YOU WILL GET SICK rather than she will be sick, if I do not fork over the painting I made to give her if forced to leave and abandon possessions. Trying to have a friend in Pittsburgh, I wanted to share the card from Saoirse’s mother with Skip against the denial curtain of the evidence that MASONS! MASONS~! had murdered her and want confiscation for the Heinz Family, allies of Inslee and Ono. I reported my shock to Gallaudet while the Licky Chops of the NAACP continue to deny the IMPLANT by Wattenmaker, largely because I don’t have a pussy to pay the Green Party with in tribute after they ladled out the GENOCIDE PORNO for Gates/Ono.