This is a letter from a self-described Kennedy kid born in the last months of Eisenhower, tense with American misconduct and fall in the world’s estimation.   The deep state high impressario has an ironic mind.   The reason we can’t out Trump’s deep state is that Obama was one of their achievements.   This traces back to Churchill’s relations with Haile Selassie.   Selassie stood alone against the Axis at the beginning.   He was wounded over time the way Marcus Garvey was because of bad draws in the deck of corruption.   The work of many important and gifted black men towards the welfare of the African poor gets short shrift in the way that America teaches race relations.  Even Dr. King isn’t really taught on the college level in our schools.   The way that the English managed the black dream is by lateral pass, who gets to speak for those cheated of the dream?   New black leaders catch the pass.   The challenge from the deep state is when are you going to stand for someone else’s dream other than your own?   The superficiality of the lesson plays out as a grand achievement in Obama, but it isn’t a real one, when you look at the fact that Trump’s deep state can’t be disclosed because of Obama.  This travesty was how the NAACP in Pittsburgh covered for the AIDS attack by cranking up the volume, with the help of South African Secret Service, on race relations, a fact that Lauren Beukes openly mocks in Moxyland.

        I intend to out Trump’s deep state in this note despite Obama and the City of Dacoitery, Seattle, loveslaves to Pittsburgh’s Warhol.    To do this, it is best to take the Latin American Road.   Everyone knows where I stand in Minority Affairs.  I’m deaf, partially blinded, face nerve damaged, motor control affected victim of a sarin-like poison and Latin Americans are no exception in telling me tough luck.   I do not abandon objectivity to bitterness, but the idea of Rosa Clemente’s food fight being anything other than the abolition of dignity is tiresome rubbish.   Beyond Smoke and Mirrors is an ironically titled book about Immigration.

          Beyond Smoke and Mirrors refers to the New Deal’s impact on Mexico as “the institutionalization of political stability,” as it was in the United States.   Notice that hostility towards FDR, on cold, mindless, ideological grounds, has never been greater than under our most unstable Presidents Reagan and Trump.  The mistake in Smoke and Mirrors is the misguided, but academically correct, view that Clinton and Bush caused unintential chaos in the immigration and illegal immigrant labor situation by contradictory policies the author rules misguided but well-intended.   This took place in 1987 or so, the era that Neil Postman assures us, without every once mentioning the AIDS attack, bore no resemblance to Orwell’s 1984.  Tiven the mania for subterfuge, effective and scientific, obvious from a more realistic assessment of Bush and his Democrat attaches, you’d think the author might qualify his attribution of naivete.  It’s still an excellent read that makes clear the Bracero Program of FDR encouraged migrant farmhands to rescue the USA from a food shortage in WW2 due to heavy industry and the exodus of Oakies to war and labor.

         Deb Martin was one of the advocates at Carnegie Mellon for Martin Sheen’s criminal underworld linking Trump’s control tower to the purposes of Rosa Clemente.   Pittsburgh’s NAACP welcomed all this carrot-tape fiasco business by arguing a base that justifies child labor due to abridgement of marijuana laws, coaxed by elders, essentially escalating to execution and bondage as provincial norms that in turn become a college autocracy.  I can’t help but noting that the African American teacher who broke the Union Confederacy’s grip on depicting me as a racist was slashed in the mouth and shot, just as the girl who taught me sign language was raped.  Further, the housepet making use of pot by Creary was coached by Karsh, a name indexed to Reagan State Trooper photography, 911 Saudicrats, and Klein, a name as prominent as Rubin in the XXX on JFK.

         Hitlerism as a multicultural finance team in the AIDS attack combine.   But even more mysterious is that in Pittsburgh where the Karsh carshow advertised a stolen Lincoln which morphed like the 20 I gave Currant for Hitler stamps on the night before Hinckley landed in a VW hotwire outside the Counterfeit White House on Fifth Avenue near where McGuire of NASA lived.   Eisenstat, who they called Abdul the Terrorist on KDKA, brayed of the Challenger when it looked to have been Molly Maguired into the face of God on HitlerReagan’s Outer Limits.

        Cute, Trump.

Gail Burstyn is more than just the symbol of Axis America.  This business comes from Holocaust Special Detail, who kissed her and gassed her, with a slogan:  You think you’re better than us.  Like her baronage, The Beatles, she advertised her homecoming in 1964 as “this is a very old letter,” some “twenty years ago today.”  Their Texas Schoolbook, for Rocky’s revival, was a moral code with Hitler as wet nurse.