There is a branch of Catholic extremism who consider all attempts at civilization the Book of Job, to be rendered dissatisfied by unkind acts. On the night my family went to Woodstock I tried to get in the basement window but someone had nailed it shut, leading to broken glass and a cut wrist. Richard Karl scoffed, "it's only a flesh wound." In War for the World a Major Gen. calls our desire for civilization a peace of the flesh, unworthy of a warrior! Warrior! Fripp put out a dare predicated on the idea that he could use blackmail from a child pornography program into which I was taken hostage as a child. Operating from CMU, while Woody managed a series of random senseless acts of violence as the argument principle of game theory against stable and long lived society. U-2 is in on all this, with rubbish nostrums like so you don't believe in the Uzi that just went off in your hand. This is the society of torture, arson and poison we have ignored in favor of pouts and tutters about the holy virgin whose virginity proved rape (even though she denied it, too).

By this wretched jest of medievalry we allowed those who did it to announce production services as riddlers from the “collective subconsciousness” of the aggrieved, the catering military services of deranged Lennon shamanism who fondest dreams of service were unleashed by mass delusion.