This letter concerns Seattle’s culture of mayhem, how I was lured here as though by exotic sea creature intending to put me to death, torture, misrepresentation and concerns about municipal integrity.   Due to the fact that the UW perpetrators see the mind as one of their personal titillation devices for sordid gratification, they greatly enjoy concocting reasoning processes to accompany their deranged acts, some of which can be very disconcerting to decipher.  As a regional standard, some of the normalization codes in place derive from long standing characteristics of the society in Seattle where they cut each other down rather than build each other up.  Like Pittsburgh, you will not see a film about Seattle where you leave your girlfriend with your so-called team and come back to find they have been singing your praises behind your back.  Leave that for an as-yet-to-be-made Russian film, I guess.

       Seattle excuses themselves of course in rage and envy at my name, James MacRyland Crary, and my gifts as a deaf poet.   This is arguably learned behavior, since the status of Seattle, second fiddle in football to Pittsburgh, calls upon them imitation to their betters.  Pittsburgh has perfected the art of lying to and about what has been done to me and Seattle thinks wisdom dictates most clear in the matter.   The crime is a serious one, they induced coma by nerve agent, trivialized the suffering and pouted about a low normal lack of self-control in the hate object subject to derision for tears of trauma, deafness and confusion.   In mutual union and gang misconduct the race I was born serves as an alibi and scapegoat for the hand of their invisible party structure.

         I’m familiar with their contempt and scoundrel sadism.  I still looked okay and still had potential to be a lover after arriving here.  Declaring it the will of the Union to cover for Reagan, while the NAACP openly participated in the knifing of Shannon Harps through the Postal Union and the VA more closet like in their participation of the Blue House killings, the attackers announced the reasoning processes as a contract to vindicate Trump, and made poison crime their oath in denouncing my research intending to get the truth as a private citizen concerned for Our Commonwealth a welch.  This causes a shudder for the very good reason that as they tower above this sordid claim congratulating themselves on their device for titillation of the mind, the bill of welch comes in strongly in my favor.  ADWAS lured me here promising me Protection From Abuse only to knowingly place me where I could be chemically castrated without due process, entirely innocent of wrongdoing, and poisoned in the mouth, to name a few of the wrongs.

        Jonnie Wilder (pronounced apparently for effect J. E.W. announced today something that the auto-translation must have mistranslated to the effect that he had the human right to make criminally invasive home invasion films of a golem, communicate ravenous, carpet chewing rules of mandatory contagion, her gang put semen in coffee at Red Elm, who dared me to meet them in Federal Way, and finished that Seattle just gets away with things better than anywhere else.  Since something has to be attempted to halt their massacres, it should be directly pointed out that their operational drive is McCartney-nomics, the deranged idea that my existence is a theft from AIDS victims that no void can fill due to the disappearance of Lennon.

        I have known from deranged mistreatment that I am dealing with the criminally insane for a very long time but how does that play out in terms of layman’s legal narrative?   Look quickly at seven circles of hell used by the assassin lobby.   In the outermost circle you have Reagan’s franchise cronies, Rick Santorum masking his contempt in facetitious Repupblican bazaar monologues as to how hack politicians can construe abomination as a legal standard of their region.  Beside noble Santorum is Fripp, the flavor of whose moral prancing about cut throat honesty has led many into his cult of guitar music ruination, which he gladly squanders taking up with a regional norm of vomit-bag slander, Miles Kirshner, all hellbent on covering for the truly disturbing things committed by Trump and his machinery in Pittsburgh.

          Gloating over this comes child pornographers of Warhol led by Wells Fargo’s’ Martin Andelman, promoting a secret Sex Academy as a dangerous but lucrative mode for management of Gail Burstyn’s dark materials, if that’s what you want to commercialize the AIDS attack scroll for; meanwhile Seattle makes sure they are covered in saying they can’t process that, announcing that therefore they don’t have to and leave it to the assassins to execute hostages taken as prisoners.

           Now we move a little inward by a jump down to a new circle of Seattle burlesque covering of course for the covid fast one and the high price we will pay for the voter turnout trying to save our sick society.  Seattle feels companionship with Pittsburgh and the Dakota in allowing Eno and his maniacs to do what they will in the manner of settling things to the appetite of Yoko Ono, and Japan’s victimization in WW2.  Civil authorities have allowed the attackers to pseudo-process their own crime after deafening and otherwise disabling me so that legal representation would be impossible.  Calling it their human right is a new argument.

            We enter a new circle still more again as we delve into what they really did to the golem.  This can briefly be mentioned having been rehearsed and described in genuine screams elsewhere over an age, apparently to the gratification of the killers on high.  They induced conditions obscure and known only to holocaust survivors, alexytemia, for example, the inability to describe memories surfacing from amnesia, as Justin Vicari, a partner of John Shulman put it, because “the tongue cannot handle the horror.”  Clearly the insight was a studied one by initiates in a cult of vanguard intellectual training for a special criminal degree.  After a film about a South American politician being kidnapped and held hostage for days, Toba Levinson stood up at the movie theater, Toba had long employed Sharon Samuels of San Francisco whose mother was a Judge and who introduced me to Gail Burstyn.  You could have taken her smile for almost compassionate were it not that her gang is behind the stony faced executioners at the oven working in the Chop District and the oh so innocent music of the gurus..

           Which brings us to clicking heels.  Jews from Nazi Germany blacked out into nearly epileptic trances when hearing metallic cleats on the sidewalks.  They neuro-induced in the golem survival obedience training, neurobedience by implant.  Meanwhile Leslie Katz and Miles Kirshner took up the chase, her calling me unpredictable and him saying predictable, an overture for the ratline they mongered to the AIDS gas chamber, or Experience Park Special Education Unit No. 2 on Mt. Desert Island.   This was attended, as I’ve written elsewhere, by slaughtering blows and undiagnosed concussions.   When I squeaked obsequious juvenile prose praising the idealism of law, innocence and dignity, the charity jackers surrounded me with siphons, demanding the proceeds from the mutilation in service to Catholic Worker, calling their ingenuity by cultural competence.  60 years old and I still tremble in convulsions at the thought of asserting my personhood.  Frankly, I sympathize with the cringe of my fellow students in Community College at the sight of my hand up as though going, oh oh me.

        The Union sneers that there is such a thing and a difference between good character and bad character, offering to spare the life of the queerbait for a mere agreement to political psychiatric diagnosis and any hint of refusal arrives with a quid pro quo, oh you don’t think you’re dangerous, well they will find some real at large dangers who do their bidding and get away with their authorities monger.  If we say do tribute you’d better obey, if we want your bicycle, you’d better give it away, because you tried to go over our heads.

         Jack Nicholson, Martin Sheen and Clint Eastwood are not factually very far from Jeffrey Dahmer.  The police come, see the child in hostage, and Fripp says it’s trick photography so they go home and sleep it off.  Foreign objection to discretion is all the rage.  Finkelstein please don’t leave me here, Hillary assures you never happened.  A person who cannot escape due to police refusal to intervene has every right to play act.  This is hardly the same as facelying, Uniono-style.  Processing injury for the Department, expert lawyers build a grid for the decompression tactics of professionally con men.   

          Despite what Wilder says, Seattle is really just a staging ground.   Given the degree of racial legerdemain in the way the Green Party war gamed Islam Philadelphia would have worked as well, which is where Gail Burstyn lived much of her life, and in nearby New Jersey.   The holocaust survivors also tampering with prepubescent sex in trauma enough that Ono had something to work with when mongering transference of abortion in rejection by Allah.  This wasn’t just Obama getting a Harvard good idea it was fastidiously in partnership with Gail Burstyn.    The bugs nest in the cloaks of Suhwardi and flo glo pushed by Kasperoski transformed the golem into a spiritual contest of obedience to will, one who submits to degradation.  We find this in the language of Kirshner’s private game with a deal called LAST LICKS as well as the severe humiliation inflicted on me by Hustler Soldiers of Fortune when I was homeless in Iowa.   The stage crew put Queer News behind Liquor and Wine at the police department, lick her and whine, is what I was accused of and for which Saoirse was punished by Bob Dylan with death.  The slavelike little Jew then crawled into the closet, DON’T SAY LIKE ANNE FRANK!

          Another circle of hell is yet again reached by the so-called group dynamics of the assassins, providing bloodchild feedback, meaning the soothing noises of the alien taking your body for its host.   In Pittsburgh they summed it up with an adage from Toba’s team Shapiro and Runco, calling it “cooking turkey.”   Shapiro by the way gloated with a wildfire smile about being a pyro.  

        When SCOTUS circled their wagons for this abomination series they took for granted that the poor people who took the 60’s as a defining feature of their identities would graciously accept being betrayed by musicians from Great Britain upon whom their fashion identity depended.  The style of Trump’s crazed mind is so obvious in what Warhol, his friend, did to me in Pittsburgh that it is like a Fraternity Pledge that all students swear by.   The crow of Black Psychologists at the NAACP that the queerbait is Not Special is so Japanese that it can hardly be missed, the nail that sticks up gets hammered down, like it did in Dealey Plaza where the expulsion of JFK set up the miseducation of understandably disaffected youth.  Whether you follow the research angle of House of Dolls and Valley of the Dolls, the affinity of Jacqueline Onassis cannot be missed, and they both ended up under the protective umbrella of McCartney.   Operating Covid as a special effects department for the job of secret weapons the crime is gearing to end like Osugi Sakae’s Escape from Japan, being murdered under cover of earthquake.

      The language of Shulman and Trump, “it worked” is the same and the call from many Union quarters is the Truman Shoah Show must go on.  Because of this?  I asked as they learned pipeline and licky chops at my pecker.  Yeth, yeth came their answer.