This is the cheapest, hardest to read and hardest to find branch of my blog resulting in part from poverty and in part from the fact that facebook mistook an antifascist protest image for pandering to America’s bizarre fascination with the leader of the 3rd reich. The image was actually pointing out that the Beatles were promotiing his image for mongering and cloak this dagger with the insane claim that Ono carries the ghost of extreme honesty iin sacred liberalism, when, in reality, nothing but a draconian pornographer cashing in on my vulnerability as a child she headhunted after brutallly and forcibly befouliing.

This blog is both for research issues, public warning and protest media. It shows through many communications that Lennon followed Htiler into secret war evacuation aided by Reagan and Pentagon Disney allowing his assassin Ono to glove her hand for the great backstab.

The murderer had a sugar laced funhouse tonsil and was flanked by Yasukunia spirit hothead hell hotties who lorded with laughs over the captured son of a Naval radio room lieutenant who she used as a golem dummy for mindfuckery leading to 911 from the AIDS attack to the bonus crime of covid and her gang’s murder of three more Kennedys. They worked a McCrystal Ball over the child pushed into acid water and although Lenno was rabid his barking soothsay ruled the Swami sheep thus did Lennon trick Martha Gellhorn whose imbalanced stooging for Katz and Burstyn was her most severe and Franco-style psychotic defense of Israel, endorsiing a trick of the tale.

Because the pimps of Pittsburgh were sworking with Fhulman out of Craig Street property, they grabbed my letter from Gellhorn and other life work, molesting me and playing parochial entrapment games over a penny linie that they laid for the ripper murder of Shannon to illustrate. The doublecross scorecard of murders and mayhem makes clear the lie and insane random gibber of the Lennon mafia sporting their deranged invention of a cross-hatched theorem promoting purple plastic is the fascist face of that evil and disgusting woman’s fantasm and gloat.