It must be very frustrating not to perceive the lie which is Trump’s super-weapon, behind the tack taken by the American establishment in their surrender to and cooperation in Britain’s attack.  Understanding what happened to JFK is possible through the lens of what was done to James MacRyland Crary, indicated by the Storybook Forest Texas Schoolbook, but the nostrums of Thos. Hale Gordon also upload into effect for his rallying division from Harvard, the idea of contempt for the Czarina’s son inciting the peasants.   George Bush leafleted through my father’s Peace Corps activity, humanist stand, and principled, experienced objection to the Vietnam War and signified that he saw what was done to me as forfeiture resulting from my childhood imitation of my father’s principles. Intriguingly, given the eccentricities and cleverness at work in the way was donor mothered for the war operation, my father hailed from Dallas City, Iowa, where his father Mac lived, the central building of which is the Wallace Building, and more to the point he had a mysterious brother named Donald when he married into the Donaldsons to incubate me.  Curiously, one of his favorite ways to charm me was to take me out for Klondikes. We have come to notice the owl eyes found on Trump and Jackie Onassis, as well as Gail Burstyn. In fact, the British Royal Family, led by Penis Gabriel, used the long fore-planned record SO, for which they seduced tape items from the marked man, to position Midori Goto into place to allow what Onassis did to JFK be done by her to me. England never tires of this knifing game.

       All throughout the rabid din a raging hue and cry arise from Pittsburgh/Liverpool that the queerbait whimpered in jealous fevers when, in reality, this targeting and stalking was decisively their own status stealing.   My name is old and my family’s legacy heroic and sturdy. They attacked me blindside young like John Sebastian crowing freely for seven years old to be given LSD and then blamed me for my disorientation. They brought down the verminous paparrazzi of the Croak Regroanov’s film RAPE for the threats by Trump and his friend in North Korea to blast a sacred mountain in the name of Warhol Queers locked in psychopathic obsession while everyone I know would rather be lied to than see the way the Beatles helped themselves to a victim of torture for sport.

     African Warriors!  Warriors! Working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency at Pitt of course covered for all this Nazism with musings about a BBQ.   If AIDS was a meditated BBQ it was in fact important to find this out, but more was found out, too, behind the song and dance from Temple that Abie Baby (Abraham Lincoln) wasn’t really out to free the slaves is the sad and ruthless truth that neither were the blacks in America during the Civil War.   The NAACP worked openly and in moral cowardice hidden in spite with arrogant white Nazis on Mt. Desert Island. They spat that Xala, the covering of an embezzler in spit, and the necklace murders, tire incinerators, were sacred restitution to the ancestors, making AIDS prototypically and African maelstrom by source of origin and general disposition.   Non-violence, they laughed, is a sign saying, “Kick Me!” They roared that the pussies deserve it, they can do anything.
