Although Ian Fleming (Wattenmaker) and their London Council’s attempt at United States takeover was clearly indexed by their wee wee Bush to such signifiers as Swimmer, for him being pulled from the water after his allies gunned his crew, the absence of language to categorize properly what Swimmer was doing with Morgan at CMU is part of the impasse allowing ongoing treachery by soldiers of fortune at the V.A. and New York Times.   Some people may ask how could she be so obvious? Trump would have waved her off with words like ~ she’s just a common slut. She was obviously hired to attack me and spread rumors.

    University of Washington of course had this part figured.  They knew that sociology could easily depict Swimmer as a fallen, abused woman and a symbol of the need for change.  That she was hired by Neva Corporation and so on, the NAACP could be counted on to cover when the divies were gold and the mark a the white!   But even though they poisoned me in the mouth anyway, it was hard for the NAACP because even with the abomination of their neuroplastic auto-talk nerve agent implant they did not actually get me to say anything except the truth about Swimmer calmly despite the fact that she is, in fact, obviously a hireling from NEVA who was hired to attack me and spread rumors.

       John Lennon was at least partly a creation of Ian Fleming, and the James Bond serials were circulated around the assassination of JFK to bring us to this day.   Lennon, like Bond, staged his own death with the help of newspapers. Meanwhile the Fleming Index gave us Queer Seattle’s dacoits, Aaron Dixon semi-famously, who took the NEVA confederation role of Thos. Dixon’s klansman semi-famously entrapping the mark for profit in a turnaround system favoring the fascist Japanese crone Midori as a rifleman for the Green Party murder cartel, the black who cuts deals with the KKK to prove himself men like they are, it is clear from the indexicalities of Dixon’s semiotic doublespeak he had joined in the blathering that the black man was standing up to the white cuckold to protect the sacred seed and so on and so forth. He dreams of being Seattle’s Duterte.

        The Texas Schoolbook talked openly of X-amples and named the pornographers, there was all sorts of violent damage to the mark but the most glaring language direction is the allusion to the Swallow Barn because that is a book by John Pendleton Kennedy and very characteristic of Fleming language arrangements.  The word validated was introduced by Donaldo Gulligan when the rabid claimed to find their own script. Martin Sheen worked Fulton School for a supernaturalism of balancing acts, playing the multicultural godfather gunning people down around the world in a seance from Martha Harty Schienes. Even though what they were doing with Swimmer was perfectly obvious no one wanted to offend the AIDS attackers in their high administration at UW.

The Rabid had done this before.

The Rabid had done this before.