I was pretty shaken up when the MAS+1 slanderer from Bard broke up with me and penned a poem that was titled: Death to Love, which became part of the roster of fulfillment for the rabid but the fact I met her at He’s Dead Jim shows they already knew what they were going to do, and for connectadots they had her give me Danton’s Tod, while Todd Kaufmann condensed T. Simon in to T. Simon Farasani, a toast from Hypatia in a place he called “E’ville” where Chris Kaufmann of Society for Military Engineers macheted open a large cannister of greenhouse gas just to watch them float to heaven for an hour. He had a cat all brutalized as a child that spun excitedly while peeing everywhere.

Scummily, Dr. Simons of Hypatia knew my mother’s upstairs housemate, Eskridge, who I took to Penis Gabriel only to be upbraided, why don’t you stay with people who care about you instead of pursuing him?

None of them did.

The cowardly lie of +1 and the mongering of Death to Love made the rabid sess over how to process Saoirse, that seems clear. Taliban is obviously witch fulfillment by the Kasper Division.