As a reputation for being a magnet on the West Coast for people who normalize challenges to conventional morality, Seattle was an ideal place for the Christian Right to test their powers of mockery and duplicity.  This note is about what Seattle did, how I know and why you can just throw away their cover story about the death of John Lennon. As the people who have most conspicuously wished death upon me and done serious injury openly this note is more about the administrative situation in a society that can ill-afford to evade or deny the powerful control of the Trump combein.   What has happened and is going to keep happening is not going to go away just because the Democrats are running for President a few years from now. This letter is to help you size up the reality so that you may be better prepared to know when to duck. It is pointless to hope that the Democrats can remain above suspicion. My old school alone has one of the experts in hospital violence in Pennsylvania and an axe to grind about my being white.

        For adults within living memory we saw in the 80’s with shock and disappointment a style we thought was over in the 40’s.   We all note now that the Apartheid struggle was uploaded strategically to drown out the AIDS attack with footnotes on racial progress, while South Africa and Britain lionized the behemoth of a staged and phony guerilla war clocked to the attack in their novel:  Moxyland. We saw the storyline, that I cudda saved John Lennon, about which I knew nothing, the evidence hidden in plain view, prioritized to provide smoke and mirrors for the violent reality that Lennon staged his own death to give cover, about which you knew nothing, the evidence hidden in plain view, and the corroboration from Japanese pornography, Neva human cinema, developed with Ichiro’s career and the semiotic goldmine discovery hatched by Britain through Axis Hollywood, realizing the most torrid fears, typically accompanied by their soundtracks, like “digging in the dirt”.  Even the Kennedy assassination was meditated by the powerful faction in America who resisted war against Hitler, a seething mob of isolationists who regarded liberalism as utopian and who all the while they accused liberals of unreality were themselves known as the appeasers, the early warning of a coming Jet Set. A revenge plan was set loose in the name of Hiroshima and Yoko Ono. They mauled me in Pittsburgh using Warhol confederates, a friend of Donald Trump.

      On the highway into Seattle is a chilling set of road signs:  Kent 8, Seattle 21, Military Road. The meaning is perfectly obvious:  1. Kent State was the eight ball, military game, 2. Seattle is the target game in the 21st century, 3.  Deniability controls media plasticity. Upon arrival you are treated to the signposts: eVoLVe and Paratex exterminators.

       I wasn’t thrilled about yesterday’s cardiology exam.   My doctor forced me to confront something they’ve been telling me for about six years, that my heart suffered electrical conductivity injury during my terrifying ordeal visited on me by the deranged antagonists behind my overall condition, who deafened me as a child.  They announced a cultural lampoon of The American Dream as dysfunctional performance art. I understand what JFK was trying to do, a President I remember and identify with. Trump is what we got instead including the processes whereby we got him. My condition and the attending alien fixation is a follow up attack in a crime where there are few friends for the victim.   This must be the symptom of a scared world. There are two minds on the subject: Dr. Ralph Proctor who believes that whites will never change until they know terror and a graffiti child in Chinatown who plasters the billboards with: Fear Causes Racism. For now, terror has won.

        What Seattle did with the Obama machine has compromised American promise while showing bitter disdain and mockery for first freedoms:  the right of association and freedom of speech. We have entered an era where public discourse is devoid of debate, which I call Dronekrieg, a condition abetted by overall digital disconnect.   It is in this disconnect that media and persons affected allowed Lennon’s sleight of hand to go undetected until now. Saying it is not true is totally pointless, the idea that Lennon really died scrubs completely clean the legacy of his killers.  There may be some logic in the idea that Lennon was killed by the AIDS attackers but none whatsoever in the follow-up logic that therefore we must help them fulfill their plans. The evidence goes against a deliberate misconstruction by Seattle perverts.   Sean Strub and Diamonda Galas knew full well what they were doing as did Penis Gabriel in his loud and clear violent defense of Gail Burstyn. Despite all this and the murderously neglected evidence about what was done to me as a child and by who, there are a gravely dangerous mob of scavengers declaring that Lennon would have passed up an opportunity to do something this sick to preserve his vainglory and public ego, despite being sick of it all, when all the evidence says he wouldn’t.  And didn’t. Hollywood had the technology. This was Pentagon Disney’s most torrential gang plan.

         For a school prank, getting me castrated by heart poison is a viciousness that doesn’t gain license by their plea of extremity.   I saw Rosa as holding my hand after Mt. Desert Island like Sam and Frodo at the end of all things, but she had come on the usual British mission of sex with intent to kill.   Nothing the NAACP bray is grounds for how they operated and the dark mission they obtained. All of us need to look very carefully at Tamala Harris and her bid to bushwhack Joe Biden with slaps about racism past.   Tamala was attacking the handiest white available to advance ideology against someone who had done nothing but help Black people by estimation of her priorities. Jesse Jackson campaigned for Obama and celebrated his win.  Blacks have made gains but sadly not in what Dr. King meant by the content of their character.

       Unless you buy into the endless double standards because of the defects in the people of Athens, there is only one human standard for character and magnanimity ranks high.  Churchill declared it the first cause of victory, JFK is believed to have come back from defeat by demonstrating it. Where is it in Black advancement? With all the talk of reparations from innocent people?   If you think I’m wrong, look at what they have done instead.

      I am an unnaturally deaf man living in Tacoma where I came from Pittsburgh pushing 60.  As a child I was taken hostage by men who used fell ether after blindside slaughtering blows, it was like being shot and came from behind out of the blue.   The same motif is found online with frequency in Neva cinema of a pornographic nature. They spray a woman in the face and molest her while she is unconscious.   Letters sent to me from Israelis at the time refer to Neva Mancine which, if you understand linguistics, you can see has a morpheme for cinema. I do not believe this was piracy, it was organized by a British family in the area.  Neva market from London. My father had been at Teachers College with Eisenhower and the WW2 Navy. He was Chair for Philosophy of Education at Pitt but abandoned our family. I also understand he met with the Beatles in 1962.

     These persons escalated every step of the way from a powerhouse union operating out of Warhol in Pittsburgh.   They inflicted a neurological injury and (since I was unconscious of the organized nature as a child) they were able to enlist black psychologists at Pitt who paraded me as some sort of special white freak show, a souvenir of their bad faith.  The pornography I was used for as a hostage child became psychiatric cinema as they led a deal to contract for a woman to become engaged to me, tamper with the head injury, make sport of me as an unfit husband and desert me for someone so cruel his pirates lured me to Seattle under promises of protection from abuse and then repeatedly poisoned me, leaving me in Emergency Room with a head rate over 200 (flutter), diabetes, and with the grand finale of poisoning me in the mouth, leaving my teeth black and threats to kill anyone who tries to support me.  The deaf girl who taught me sign language was punishment raped.

       The Warhol openly bragged of doing this and flaunt their standard.   Making evasive comments, one of their dacoits, a social anthropologist from Harvard working robotics at CMU lisped that Woten confined Loki to a tree with the injunction, see if you can make anyone cry for your suffering and you will go free.   What I think Pittsburgh realizes is that sex slander is so pernicious and evil in our political society that even the idea of it can be evoked to make sure that no one listens. They see this as humiliation genre to their company’s credit.

     I am innocent of wrongdoing and have been isolated, kept alone by draconian forces for thirty years.  Far from being in any way nobler that the white crazies in this matter, the NAACP see me as a souvenir from hell.   If, as some Lennon fans have whispered, my father knowingly did this to me as a member of the CIA and Fraternal Order of Police, it was with the participation of such black men as Nathan, the first other male, black, who welcomed me into the world and then mysteriously shadowed me with disapproval while still in the crib.  I am sure the bright flash of our camera bulb was strategic.   

      Mankind has challenged the world.  What happens when we win? The world ends.  It was perfectly, perfectly logical in the maze the attackers put together to cheer the HAIR spectacle and the 60’s, as America was used by our enemies, as the behavior of anti-Christian fools conjuring mass death upon themselves for the coming king, Lennon’s lemmings, in a rush to die and it didn’t have to go that ways.  What is all this faith and trust in a covert action team from the parochially derisive Duquesne targeting me with poison?
