There are no emotions here, while America is learned in laughing ourselves sick at the misfortune of others by our teachers, our betters, on high, but rich feelings flow through them, making them all the richer, for this is the difference between right and wrong, the very meaning of good is quality of life and those who oppose the attackers shall be robbed of their welfare without trial.   This is the Axis Constitution uploaded by the Kingdom of Genesis.

    The New York Times worked closely with Bush and Clinton on Yoko Ono’s investment in a riot futures portfolio.   The attack would not be noted because the queerbait was deemed filled with jealous passion. The violence behind that concoction was voodoo psychological warfare, and although they deny it, it was posted as sarin, an abusive craft of using a free speech weapon for shock jock detonation of a cover storm as therapy for the aggrieved, all planned, a neuro-ventiloquism weapon.   

     In Pittsburgh the advertised rats nest was led by hatchetmen named Paul Runco, an index abbreviation of Paul run’s the Company, which means McCartney is in charge of the CIA action, and Paul Tierni, which is pronounced Paul Tierni.  Factor in Cheryl Paul a trafficker from 700 Mellon and you get the picture.

       One of the great mysteries of World War Two was cleared up yesterday by the 1933 film, “X Marks the Spot,” which begins with the phenome:  AH. The mystery is why did Hitler start a two-front war following a Napoleonic example doomed to fail? The reason is that his evacuation to status as a hidden Imam of Axis control from a burning Berlin was already planned in Hollywood fascism.  The film’s themic X of AH follows upon animated radio waves from Berlin to Los Angeles, nothing we didn’t already know.

       Their way, they leer, has a global vision and trustworthy hegemony.  Since it is sophisticated it is a worthwhile gesture to match wits against their first theme:  that the American Public has no right to know, they snicker because our enemies might be listening.  Gee, that’s higher. They speak for evident numbers: Native Americans who have their own holocaust, black rage united with new age feminist nazi visionaries, pornographers with slaves they want the loyalists to enjoy and of course the good kind who would never ever do something like that.   They even have the Cold War brains who feel so guilty about the atom bomb on Japan, and of course, good Jacqueline Kennedy’s Honor Guard, advertised by a book signed Deane guaranteed the First Publication Anywhere, not even a virgin stewardess can beat that, the passenger took the driver’s seat.

        The film has many names not least Assault on a Little Queen.

