Since all my writing is made public in attempts to deliver warning about the AIDS attack someday in all reality, mature, responsible people will find my work and ask:  why didn’t anyone realize this was all true? The answer is that among those who knew all along were also those who are expert in creating a public mind. You probably realize there is evidence for global warming but also know that politicians and pseudo-science deny it.   In the AIDS attack the pseudo-science is being proclaimed by the very people campaigning to alarm the world about global warming. In other words, the global warming problem from the sociological and scientific standpoint is being used by the AIDS attack culture to privilege their issue and make themselves sound like the pragmatic authorities aware of what we face.   If someone actually looked at the pseudo-science of the Royal Family in Britain who created this monstrosity, and compared with what I have shown and testified to, it would be obvious that we are dealing with the criminally insane, not sobriety.

       Although the power behind denial is blaring were someone to quiet down enough to look at the facts without bias it would seem as though a noxious web of retardation had engulfed the entire administration of learning and communication.   John Stockwell of the CIA followed me to the backwater of Allentown on my birthday in 1987 and said of his employment that they used to chop people up and through the bodies into the street so passerbys would see what they were doing in Angola and Vietnam, report it, and be afraid, so everyone would be very, very afraid of them.   Dr. Ralph Proctor of Pitt, who teamed up with this Council of the attack rage, masquerading as Elders, a high secret order, chieftains of intelligencia, said of the black power movement that in his opinion white people would not change until they were made afraid of black people. Notice the venom in the way both factions manipulated evidence to explain in a normalizing tone what was done to me, while it was and is wickedly obvious that they broke International Law using a nerve agent, that they used hysterical and demonic lynch mobbery, slanderous evil, and intensely brutal and lewd violence on a child’s body and mind, to make others see and be afraid, laughing with glee at turns that it wasn’t them.   All of this is obvious, and would not need to be said if the public mind was not controlled by the criminally insane.

       Adrian Belew was especially vicious, a newcomer to rock utopians falling over himself at the jackpotunity to be spacey, a guru of derisive fantasms, lying through the teeth and venomously abusing a consumer because rock musicians love to tell these stories about the sick things they’ve done behind the scene in their Bavarian Groves.   Belew made it sound like I was stalking Leslie Katz, that I had raped her when they knew she was still a virgin, he engineered criminally deranged and violent misrepresentations about illegal tapes known to have been made by a hired child-smut agent for pornograph pirates. Truth was just another drug to him that he could call himself a hustler for perverting.   

     There’s a common question that comes up in sexual abuse studies that everyone has heard, it is a layman’s question.  Many articles addressing even the worst kinds of abuse, like rape, bring it up. The question is: why do often does it go unreported?   A complicated psychology goes into attempts to understand, analyze and answer this question and here is my point, human traffickers, and their syndication corporation, especially those doing business in London through Asia, know particularly well why, it is extremely clear to them, so much so that Shakespearean malice goes into the wording of the representation of the matter using actors and actresses willing to apply their trade for kicks in service to a black market.   They know exactly why the caged bird doesn’t sing. Behind them, as a grand gesture, they worked with attorneys promoting in absolute derision actresses in on it to sell them despising me. They even called it a game of pin the tail on the donkey.

        The police in other words are on the take in child pornography and protected by Hustler Magazine, Zappa and Warhol Museum.  This was Reagan, Clinton, Obama, Trump, the whole zany post-Kennedy fanfare. They all wrote The Walrus. Obama knew perfectly well that Jimmy Creary didn’t hurt anybody, what’s a shoplifter, wasn’t a thief, wasn’t stalking or threatening people, but the British see non-violence everyday in the wimpy kids who cry while bullies pour hot water on their sisters after raping them.   This is typical of people like Pener Gabriel, to taunt, and mock, and cruelly stab at someone until they shudder and he can call it a threat. They even inflicted a nerve agent injury to involuntarize the shudder, and not knowing it was there, they had me searching my soul, as Obama laughed, how perfect, a war toy to get free smacks by, he jeeved.