The writers of the Texas Schoolbook brought me to Tacoma to show off their success in making a set of hypocritical alliances who waged war by the covid bomb and yet managed to persuade the press and government that those they attacked were more hypocritical.   Having murdered our seniors they now parade by inciting drama in our streets.   To challenge the Texas Schoolbook is to admit defeat.  It means being punished by hostage-taking into the terms of their narrative.  For example, they have banged on and on with the tool of forensics ~ paranoid or poison victim ~ for years.   The more they bragged of high crime and got away with it the merrier their glee in pronouncing abomination and ruin on their targets.   To understand however is better than nothing.

       Anyone who has pleaded with a woman to remain in a partnership understandsthe power a woman has over a man's life; further they understand the capacity to humiliate.  The woman, if she leaves, will argue against the man, saying he was overbearing or a two-timer and so on.   So, it is very difficult for men to defend JFK as a playboy and defend their own union in romance, so the politics are at a disadvantage when dealing with shameless human traffickers.  The call put through to Coretta King, violating his rights by secret tape, nearly leading to divorce, by the FBI, famous in history, was the announcement of war against JFK's libertinage.   There is a lot of evidence for this.  King was bisected and depicted visually as a two-timer in the JFK assassination edition of JET Magazine, just as JFK was bisected on the 1964 cover of the first Humanist Magazine.  The assassins were welcoming the Rolling Stones.  Charles Bronson had a namesake in Dealey Plaza simultaneously with making off with a man's wife.   The script storyline gave a woman I thought loved me to the attacker who tortured me as a child, named Kasper and advocated for him, with the words, "I introduced someone I liked to my best friend and now they're going out, guess life is rough."  The writer, Gail Burstyn, was from Israel.   Kasper signified the Axis revenge plan and America was derided for adopting it, predictable they laughed, as America voted for them, and cheered the murder of our seniors.

         So the he-men, Marlon Brando, Clint Eastwood, Robert Redford of Hollywood were drafted or did some drafting into partnership for the plan to make America cheer Kennedy's assassination in the end, by Pittsburgh's strategy of raping a deaf girl with epilepsy and Downs Syndrome, chemically castrating a poet they tortured and deafened, and murdering Saoirse Kennedy to the tune of the idea that the queerbait is a crybaby with nothing real to complain about.  They want to award the copyright to Jack Ruby's system of pornography who was protecting Jackie Onassis when framing Oswald.

        To see this clearly, you need to understand that Henry Wade was the same Wade who framed Oswald, helped Ruby and challenged abortion.  Marguerite Oswald and Marina are seen in the Police Station with a baby.   You are told to believe that the moral play on abortion is sincere from the forces of Adolf Hitler, like Donald Trumplgruber and his Holy Bible.   A little girl is seen in a Shinto Shrine outfit in Dealey Plaza.  Unsurprisingly, the Japanese pornography syndicate announces the murder of JFK in the name of Hiroshima by the slogan:  Nobuko's stupid code about what girls should do and boys should do, which tallies up as Wed First, found in the Texas Schoolbook script.  Meanwhile, the murderous perpetrators of brutal pedophile trafficking want to clean up by abusive family law.

         To side with me is logically impossible because it means committing the one sin that the German Green Party and their Black Panther alliance have ruled blasphemy: defense of a white child who was innocent of wrongdoing.  Their counterattack is simple, are you saying that a battered and destroyed individual is as good as JFK? Even when you say the answer is no, the fact that we were humiliated by the same plan is ruled out. When the Kennedys themselves wrote to me in commiseration over the murder of Saoirse in my name, and I replied, the killers were quick to take down two more Kennedys to punish them.