For those who don’t already know that I have been repeatedly tortured and held in lifelong vivisection by the University of Washington as their significant strategic contribution to the premeditated AIDS attack, I will explain a little more deeply the role of women in the crime.   The logical conclusion that the murderers plan to put me to death is corroborated by a series of slaughtering violent crimes, and terrible, disabling acts of deliberate poison. Deanne Mancine and Gail Burstyn, both a little younger than me at the time, said to me, “I’m not as dumb as you look,” and, “I disowned you but now I’m going to write you back into my will.”  The script they sent me was taken by the adults who trained them, watching me in coma from beatings like hawks, to make sure I remained in shock and trauma. Now they claim it is fair to execute me for what the letters contain.

     In order to process this heavy engagement with government crime, they invented a fitness exam to settle their claim that I was ruined by the time I reached adulthood.  This was to humiliate me and summon cackling women for a spectacle of rejection and object lesson. My goal is to go a little deeper. First let’s nail down the edifice.   The attackers say that when a girl feels cheated, crossed, abused or otherwise wronged, the men who care about her will punish the culprit and that is just how the folk of the world are, and that way of the world can never be changed, it is the essence of manhood.  Although there is a script, and the women were clearly hired for role playing skills, the assassins went about it by psychological profile construction of me to hotwire around that and claim that it is irrelevant, that the claims are psychologically consistent with who I really am.  My goal is to begin there. Further they say they would never lie, but that I would because there is a damage claim.

        That the whole thing is absolutely evil means nothing to a single Administrator. The perpetrators have been allowed to kill innocent people unchallenged so that police can watch the music assured that the world is hostage.   They say this is about winning; I say it is about failure to warn. They claim discovery, in reality being the authors. They are murderers and heavily armed.  I am non-violent and do not own firearms.

       In the visible era of Trump, some people believe they are endangered by illegal immigrants, others believe in a mysterious 1%, an Illuminati of commerce manipulating life from mega-finance, and the common theme is we don’t know who they are.   My situation involves a medical mystery intended to make me, who is a common American, into a stranger to all who see and meet me. I am deaf, that helps them, they are lucky they have that, since many of them are powerful, unprincipled musicians over-riding things that way.   

      The medical mystery is solved and at least we now know what that was, but its cultural foundation is still obscure.    I realize it is considered un-American to try to understand an enemy, and I also realize that some think it is treason to come up against an enemy within this ways, but to be fair to fair people, it is valid to explore and explain what happened, because crime isn’t really a classified secret meant to be kept by our newspapers, barristers and schools.   So, in explaining what they did, I will also ask why.

      They used a nerve agent and smothered it in terrible beatings, asphyxiating gases, and caused a neurocoma.  Because of the injury, the woman they hired to become engaged and sexually stoke the trauma was doing physical violence to me by the manner in which she abruptly left me.  It caused seizures. At first, I didn’t know what would cause the University of Pittsburgh Medical culture to conduct this sort of vivisection research on a child, but after careful analysis of their bellicosity, their cover story about angry klansmen, the truculence and political support of that brutality, it became obvious that the crime was informed by Southern religious fundamentalism, so they were probably justifying Southern marital law by showing how making a mockery of the bonds between a gentleman and his bride, when abrogated, caused grief.

       This brought in the women of the college who were supporting Dr. Proctor, Matt Marcus, Bill Wheeler and Robert Fripp.  I was soothsayed that it was possessiveness to want to stay with a girl, so I must allow her freedom and space. To make sure that I was trained to heal properly they contracted like a Truman Show to make pornography while claiming it was political psychiatry, even to exonerate me.

       There is a scene in Monty Python where the Romans say to someone saying you don’t have to follow orders, “I like orders.”   The women in question just want to kill someone, it isn’t even personal, it is a test of power. You can reason with them to your heart’s content, but if you win you die.  My mother was involved in this from the day I was born. It’s a comprehensive strategy of the 50’s Midwest. The British involved took sides with a gang who announced in public, “International terrorism will take the place of human rights.”  Joe Kennedy’s doublecross of Gloria Swanson, for this inside culture, is reason enough.

       When North Korea, during the Cold War, which is over, took some GI’s prisoner and told them to denounce America on TV, people cried, nobody believed they meant it.  Ayn Rand defended them against people calling them traitors. But something a little different came back in the boiling agony of the Nam veterans. Their friends in Disneyland, the Pentagon and British prog rock put out an album to unify Black militants and Japanese bitter ronin on Nov. 22, 1968 that was too soon for the linguistic anthropology we now know to be being indexed the way it was. The use of the word Zap, conjoined to prudery, in Death Valley of Dealey Plaza wasn’t really White for mourning.
