A person faced with my available writing, a lifetime commitment that normally would be spent working and raising a family, generated by a criminal syndicate operating out of government, in conditions of brutal torture and lethal ultimatum, will see quite quickly why the attackers got away with it, the size and volume of what they were positioned to force me to answer to; and you might ask, why is there no key concept, no item of absolute evidence that would stop them?   There is in a way, but it has never made any difference. The goal of this letter is to give you a starting circle that you can return to by the thousands of pathways available where my work is still to be found.

    First, if you know anything at all about Lee Harvey Oswald you know that he was tricked, that what he thought he was doing for people he trusted isn’t how he was really being used.   True, Oswald was an unsavory person. He had some friends who continue to defend him, nobody’s perfect, but the point is that The Green Party so popular in Seattle is doing more or less exactly what was done to Oswald to all those fragile, blustering worthless worthies who think they are the new wobblies of UW intellectualism.   Not that they are especially redeeming people on their own terms, but The Green contraption was put together by the Morgans. It’s a trick.

     Beyond that there isn’t an answer to how people would ignore, lie about or cheer a severe injury by a near lethal nerve agent used on a child in political crime.  It doesn’t make sense. The more you point to the evidence about it the more imponderable it becomes, the more driven you become to conclude that our society are animals and criminally insane.  It becomes pointless to write anything, but there’s always the haunting hope that maybe there is someone who isn’t sick in the mind and heart who wouldn’t lie to themself or to you somewhere and maybe they will be reached.   No one, ever, given how deviantly I am closely watched, has ever accused me of being behind the suspicious acts of murder, rape and terrorism that provided narrative to this ongoing litany of abuses by the government and museum mafia.  True, they made me out to be a jinx, which is an example of deranged the alibi for terrorism in this sad tragedy comes through as being despite their endless efforts.

       So what makes this an Introduction?  What makes this any different? How can this be a rallying point of departure for someone friendly to my life’s work?   How can something on the brink of coming apart into a million new pieces work the wonder of being a foundation and basis for understanding what has happened that no one cares about the evidence proving that JFK’s murder was the opening shot of the extermination war by the AIDS attackers and their Texas Rulebook?    I’ll do my best to satisfy my representation of this essay as introductory, here in 2018. When you come across the actual details of information and the terrible fact that the criminals control all of it, this writing will have a humane purpose of making it possible to accept what this will cause you to struggle with if you have a soul, most particularly the lack thereof in the world around you, and so you won’t be suckered like Oswald was, you really should make time to look this piece over.

       Despite our liberalization in media of talk about sex and the use of formerly forbidden words, our society still managed to become more and more childish about all that even as the stakes grew enormous in the attack.    Despite the fact that the narrative that surrounded me was proven to be a concoction by a pornographic corporation’s aggression, and a narrative of lynch psychology all of which was developed and used against me by profoundly illegal means with no interest at all in securing the truth, voiding, by neurological torture, the right to remain silent against brazen lies forcing me into illegal assignments, no one tried to agree with me enough to give any sort of comfort.    Politically the murderers claim that it makes no difference how the situation really happened only that they now feel uncomfortable around me due to the terrible injuries they inflicted for the purpose of creating their imaginary bogeymonster, and it was proven cruel lies by the makers of a Hollywood script, running a dare operation from Extermination Campus.

        What this dare is about more than anything is a dare to bring about comprehension.   To see how this is true and understand some of it you need to realize that Franklin Graham is working with the British Monarchy telling a fib about the horrible attack, and announcing that they are trying to save the children from the evils of liberalism, nevermind how this really happened, they say.   Franklin Graham’s writing contains a paeon to a man named Hitler who changes his name to Lazarus because he is back from the dead, an announcement that leads Franklin to embrace him, teary eyed. I worked for Polly Saltonstall on Mt. Desert Island. When I put a mustache on Oliver North’s face she said:  that wasn’t nice. The North Face was worn tongue in cheek, Hitler mustache, by a black man on the bus today, a concept art idea that first came in the form of a black person with the nom de guerre of Robin Lipscomb, an informant to Obama when they came to settle the idea that I was unfit to be a suitor to Midori Goto.   It’s important to understand that they set up a sexual dare operation at the heat of the AIDS attack to make a war game of Two Virgins eugenic pussyball. That’s how I ended up working for Saltonstall. The fascist isn’t a joke but they use it as a joke to bar comprehension, you’re laughing, see?

        It’s a difficult concept to counter.

         Much of the comprehension dare pertains to identifying the type of character at work.   Comprehension about the character of the attackers is at the root of the problem. The men who invade the rights of others are not of good character.   I saw a black man’s notebook’s kicked once as a child, it was a sickening act. This type of person is now in charge and is black. That is the type of character we are dealing with, a person for whom the crime of invasion means nothing.    There was a science fiction by Ayn Rand about a man who withheld from terrorists the power he understood in industry. These giants would have counter-written a science fiction laughing that if the knowledge was in his living head they had the right to suck it out by ultra-sensory means of direct brainwave extraction.  They tortured me. Rights were completely ruled out. They impacted a neuroplasm they programmed and then forbade me to think before I spoke with they squoze it during convulsions, these murderers are criminally insane.

         Debra Martin, Nancy Moore and Drew Waegel, all of the Student Union nutters in Pittsburgh, were working with David Demarest under Granger Morgan, it doesn’t mean anything that they say they represent some oddball sexual left promoting the Neva Corporation’s agenda about a white victim of mutilation and trafficking.  They are suckering people on the streets and in the schools to fulfill Donald Trump, it’s that simple. They are profligate haters who will tell any lie and then laugh because the money is on them. It’s Los Vegas, not Ayn Rand.

      The profilers held me for years in dialectical extremism by saying if I told anyone I would be punished psychiatrically.  They did terrible things to my body. People complain about my acknowledging their names without noting that flat effect is accompanied by loss of ethereal bonds.   Making me the issue is their way of negating the evidence. They have said many times they will kill me the day I am ever believed.
