There was sorcery in the feminism of the AIDS attack.   Simultaneously it must not surprise you that the fountainheads of the AIDS attack take refuge behind pleading ecology.    The inability or unwillingness to respond to danger can be illustrated in the illegal method of hunting deer known as spotlighting.  Psychologically this is how Red-Scare phobias operate, too. Denial is not only a profound powerhouse and wall of silence against mitigation action when danger arises, it is attended by irony.   Just yesterday, the same scientific establishment who went down crying when Trump announced that global warming was fake news were announcing their hatred for the anti-industrial theme of the war opposition movement.    Sadly, the very same reckless kids took the side of the AIDS attack, whatever hidden theme of supra-alliance behind the scenes may exist there, in transforming the living for today idealism of songwriters into a trance of venom defending Reagan as holy war giant, the signature trope of divine counterfeiters are in love with themselves for pulling it off.  For them, the crunching underfoot of a battered, and traumatized white by the neo-protean ringers Midori Goto and Barack Obama was just about the perfect end to the perfect storm chimed up in the illicit war. East meeting West translated into Black Power avenging the bitter ronin of Tojo, wampum belt of the Injun grudge.

       Tami Simon lived at Swarthmore in a tipi.   Her cult announced their agency through Aung San Suu Kyi and Pener Gabriel at Hypatia Feminist (CIA) when misconstruing the script they pilfered effortless with access to it in my room.   They wheeler’d the deal craft. Midori would compense after shock absorber collection from my deaf advocate. They called it Eva Sani, for nick. Even in the sanitation headquarters where King’s death was clocked to Neva’s sister’s prior loss of virginity to Nick Dibarno, enjoying support at UW Medicine.  T. Simon Farasani was put up by Bush in D.C. when they led me to Hypatia after a wangle of Amnesty International Urgent Action at Pitt News. Fairness of sanitation against the liberals of 11/tutu/1963.

        If you think of AIDS as a parochial slur from Catholic Worker you get the picture.    It was Roman Law from Japanese Pornographers and The Church of England. It brought out the windsingers, pulling puppet strings of irony for the great champion Hitler against the pale white hypocrisy of the U.S.   Dr. Benjamin Spock highly illogicalled the non-violence of Playboys, as he was suggested for a ticket with Dr. King, and King Edward smiled, gassing the rainbow kiddy at Kings Estate. Thought you’d get away with it, did you queerbait?