Near the home of Andrea Swimmer (who made the teriyaki tape for Milnes) an apartment with her Chinese boyfriend on the corner by the former Weinsteins where Russell Bennett who called me about the death of Roberto Clemente for Gail Burstyn worked) Randall Bowers raped a girl on the date of No. Tutu Duck and there was much to kluk for Dennis Brutus.  

       It reminds me too much of the Randall who lived by Terri Villa and Jernifer Rubin, who asked me to let him take kiddie porn pictures.  My refusal was brutally put down by ghouls because Elizabeth and Gail Burstyn wanted those images for Tive at Sony, Trump and Fripp.  The game began at birth.   The monopoly board in Seattle speaks loudly of the game from Greg’s Japanese autos, to Midori Teriyaki, sharing a corner for the company of Karl and Colucci.

        The military used to talk in the 50’s about having to destroy a country in order to save it.   This sort of rhetoric was a warning about what the parochial savage plotted with AIDS.   Star Trek beamed down to the Kennedy assassination for Hitler in the form of Melvin Belli, the attorney of Goering’s estate, serving for Jack Rubin.   Spock, meaning both Benjamin and the real McCoy thought it was illogical for non-violence to be espoused by Playboys.  They leered that DNA was spiritual molecular claim upon the male.   Play like you love him so we can blackmail him for Jesus was all over the plot of Penis Sinfield.  Takai is the Japanese word for tres expensive.

         It continues in the fake Left occupy of Trump’s DeGrell faction in Seattle, playing like they are men of the people, while putting on a parasitic symbiosis of poison to the mouth.   The slogans their gang used in Pittsburgh were very telling of a Hitler Table Talk, “You think you’re better than us,” and “We’ve changed!”  

         Supplying tit and suckle they popped a billboard Hillary for Painting over a Florida dame on Mt. Desert Island working with the Gottlieb war criminals, and erected Big Dipper when I hollered about Penis Gabriel fake alibi for Zell, a call from his rock album with that in the lyric sheet.   Such erections are easy for the Trumpedero brigade.    And of course the one man rainstorm Robert Bowers probably knew some sticklers for the virtue of My Jung Joo plying for punishments the crimes requested by My Lai Powell.  

        For the barometer of suckle and rage, leer and hope, the ravagers spun a variation on the story shared by Colaizzo about the man who bought a respite from torture by making up a lie about where his gang were only to accidently give them away.   They provided mystical deaths and mayhem clocked to the poetry machine of the golem.  It was what Stuart Sheppard would call the “quintessence” in his comraderie with Penis Leo.

       Thou shalt not lube wrecker.  Thou shalt not lube wrecker.
